Delete long files / Filenames ( 260) Characters

Windows Command Line


You have identified a file name or folder that is over 260 characters, any windows OS /file system will not be able to read this, it will display it BUT you cannot modify it. You could truncate the long filename with a util or do the following.




The fix is quite simple.
Drop to a command prompt and go to the directory that the file is in.
say the file is called” this is a really long file and i cannot delete it as it is over 260 characters etc etc”

Then simply enter Del “this is a ” *.*

As the file is in speech marks and your using the Wildcard (*) it will delete the file.

If you find a directory the is over 260 characters then use the command..

RMDIR “this is a really long folder”*.*

For sub folders that are full use RMDIR /s “this is a really long folder”*.*