Start Lync 2013 Services Quickly

The services are a pain in the backside in Lync 2013.  If you have one service down on your back end SQL server then services on the front end servers will not start. In this quick article I go through the steps to get your Lync server up and running quickly.

First on your SQL server we need to make sure the the databases are up and running. Run Services.msc and set the start up column to automatic. We need to locate the SQL Server (LYNC) service and see if it has started, if not right click and select start, if this is down then your Lync 2013 services on the frontend server will not start.


Now that the database is up we now need to go to the front end server and check the status of the services. To do so run the following command from Lync 2013 power shell.


This will list off all the Lync 2013 services, it should look like the below where all services has started.

If you find that some of these services have not started then we need to start them in the correct order. We can do so with the following power shell.


It will look like nothing has happend, give it a moment or two and then run the get-cswindowsservice again to check the status. This should get the Lync services up in the correct order quickly.