The Attempt To Connect To Powershell Using Kerberos Authentication Failed The WinRM Client Received An Http Server Error Status (500)

After upgrading a Server 2008 server recently that was running Exchange 2010 I came across this error.

The Attempt To Connect To Powershell Using Kerberos Authentication Failed The WinRM Client Received An Http Server Error Status (500)

There are a few variations of the message also namely this one below.

The attempt to connect to using “kerberos” authentication failed:Connecting to  remote server failed with the following message:The WinRm client cannot  process the request.It cannot determine the content type pf the HTTP response from the destination computer. The content type is absent or invalid.

The Attempt To Connect To Powershell Using Kerberos Authentication Failed The WinRM Client Received And Http Server Error Status (500)

This is down to the WinRM client becoming corrupt. This is an easy fix to do via the exchange powershell console. do the following.

We first need to enable to server manager plug in. To do so run this command

Import-Module ServerManager

Then run this command te remove the service.

Remove-WindowsFeature WinRM-IIS-Ext

Then we need to reinstall WinRm. To do so run this command as seen below.

Add-WindowsFeature WinRM-IIS-Ext

Add-WindowsFeature WinRM-IIS-Ext

You will now find that you can launch the Exchange Management console without any issues, View to video below for a full step by step guide on fixing the “The Attempt To Connect To Powershell Using Kerberos Authentication Failed The WinRM Client Received And Http Server Error Status (500) ” issue.