Windows 10 Restarts After Selecting Shutdown

When attempting to shut your PC down in Windows 10 with the shutdown option you find that the pc starts to shutdown, then you will here is start to boot again and the only way to power it off is to turn of the pc from the wall.

I had this issue on my PC and found it to be an application that the motherboard vendor uses on my PC, the application is called Gigabyte ON/OFF Charge

What is Gigabyte On/Off Charge?

Depending on your perspective the On/Off app is a nifty little application that allows you to charge your USB devices while your computer is sleeping or turned off, and can charge certain devices more quickly with more power being available. This needed removing to allow Windows 10 to manage the shutdown of my PC correctly.

Uninstalling an Application in Windows 10

To see if you have this application installed and to uninstall this application we do the following:

  1. Press Windows Key and “X”.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. Select Programs and Features.
  4. Browse the application list to find the application in question.
  5. Select the application and choose uninstall.

Once removed you will find your PC will shutdown correctly.