How To Add A Hard Disk To A VMware Virtual Machine

IT Problem

You ned to a add a new drive to your virtual machine. This is a quick step by step guide on adding a hard drive in vmware to a virtual machine.


IT Solution

Launch your VI client and attach and login to your vcentre server or vmware host server


login to VI Client




Once logged in, then right click on the server you want to add a drive to then select “Edit Settings”


edit virtual machine settings



You will then see the add devices section.


Select add at the top of the screem


add virtual machine hardware



Then select Hard Disk

view virtual machine hardware



Then select new virtual disk


create a new virtual disk



Then select the size of the drive you want to add.


virtual hard disk size



Choose whether you want SCSI or IDE


ide or scsi virtual drive



Then finally, check the summary, if your happy click finish.


new virtual drive summary



Remember, this adds the hard disk, you then need to go into windows, right click on “Computer”, Manage,Storage and present the drive to windows with a drive letter.