Microsoft Office Professional 2013 Encountered An Error During Setup

As the title says, you are installing Office 2013 and you come across this error below.

Microsoft office professional 2013 encountered an error during setup

The only option you get is to roll back and end the installation, no further errors are given. Nightmare.

I tried two things to fix this, the latter once worked as I investigated how office 2013 installs. First try this.

  1. Drop to a command prompt.
  2. Enter cd “%allusersprofile%&#92Microsoft Help”, this will take you to the folder we need to work in.
  3. Enter attrib -h rgstrtn.lck
  4. Then type del rgstrtn.lck
  5. Enter dir /b /od /ad, make a note of the folders listed
  6. Type rd /q /s Folders – entering the folder names you had noted.

Now try the office 2013 install again.

If that fails, I found out that Office 2013 uses task scheduler to install some of its components. This error can occur if you have a corrupt scheduler database or the service is stopped. To resolve this do the following.

First start the Task Scheduler service in services At command enter.

net start schedule

Then try the install. If it fails then continue.

Go to c:/windows/tasks and delete the contents of the folder, if  you have a lot of tasks then take a backup first. Once removed run the install again.