Slow logon times with Roaming Profiles
Roaming profiles are great, they enable users to move from desk to desk with all there documents and settings following them. The issue with this is over time these profiles grow and grow with temp files, temp internet files and all sorts of other non essential files required to roam with users desk to desk.. The larger the profile the slower the roaming profiles are to login when a user moves desks. We can fix this by managing what actually roams with a user who moves desk. This can dramatically improve network speed, imagine your a school with over 1000 users logging in at the same time.Follow the step by step guide below on how to improve log in speeds for users who use roaming profiles.
1) Open Group Policy and access the policy you wish to amend (or create a new one )
2) Expand user configuration
3) Expand administrative templates
4) Expand System
5) Click User Profiles
6) Right click ‘Exclude directories in roaming profile’ and click properties
7) Click enable and type the folder which you wish to exclude e.g. cookies
Tags: Romaing Profiles, user profiles