How To Deploy Trend Officescan Client.
You have installed Trend Micro OfficeScan and would like to deploy the client to your PC`s.Here are step by step instructions on how to deploy the Trend client
Follow this simple guide to deploy the Anti Virus Package.
- First we need to login to office scan with your details, this is normally “Root” and your password.
2.We then need to scan Active Directory to find PC`s that do not have AV currently installed. TO do this select “Security Complaince” down the left hand side…..
3.Then select “settings” , this will take you to the scan screen.
4.You will now get the scan screen, simeply select “Query Now” and this will run a AD query of Computer names against client installs.5.Once this is complete, you will then see via the pie chart , what systems do not have OfficeScan installed. Simply select the hyperlink next to “No Office Scan client installed.
6.You will then see a list populate, list will listt all PC`s that do not have the client on, select all and then click “install”.
7.Finally, you will be prompted to supply Admin Credentials fo these PC`s. Simply enter.
password.The client will then deploy automatically.
Tags: AV, officescan, Trend