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How to Update the Firmware on an HP E-Series Switch

Here is a step by step guide on how you can update the firmware on your e series switch. In this example we will use TFTP on a standard windows 7 PC. Give the switch an IP address, use TFTP and the copy command from CLI to do so.


First lets give the switch an IP if it already has not. CLI onto the switch and enter


Then select option 2
hp procurve switch menu

once in switch configuration,select IP configuration and change the IP mode from DHCP to static and assign it an address in your range.

procurve ip configuration

Then assign the IP.
IP address for HP procurve

Once done, save the configuration and return to CLI. Now on a pc that is on the same IP range download and install a TFTP server. I used the cisco ftp server as its nice and simple.

Once installed copy the latest firmware to the folder you will allow to be used for TFTP as seen here.

cisco ftp server

Now back to the cli of the switch issue the command below, changing the name of your firmware and your source ip of the TFTP server.

copy tftp flash H_10_83.swi

You will be warned the config will be wiped.Do so

Once updated issue the reload command and the switch will boot with the latest firmware.

Tags: firmware

Allen White

Allen is an IT Consultant and holds the following accreditations. MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, CCA, CCSP, VCP 4,5, 6 and HP ASE, AIS - Network Infrastructure.

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