iPhone Turning off with 30, 40 or 50% Battery Solution
Not really a Techieshelp type of post or really a true fix, more a work around but this has been a pain for almost a year to me and Apple not having any real solutions to it, so I thought if I could help id post on the blog.
As the title mentions I’ve had issues where there phone has shut down due to low battery at as high as 50% but normally once it got to 30% it was goodnight and it shut down. If i left it 5 minutes I could power it up again and maybes get a little bit more use out of but ultimately it would go again.
I’ve seen seen this on my iPhone 6s+ and multiple flavours of the iPhone 7. I’ve had my phone changed but as mentioned but never has gone away.
How to Stop the iPhone Turning Off with 30% Battery
Now I had a theory about this so tested, My thoughts where that even though the battery had 30% left on it, it could not power the phone while the screen was on 100% brightness!. I always had my phone at 100% as i like to use the screen to its full potential.
So I lowered my screen brightness to 90%, it still turned off at around 30%. I then dropped it to 80%…the phone then ran down as expected to 0%. I have tested this now on my iPhone 6s+ for a month and not once as the phone shut down prematurely.
Lowering the iPhone Screen Brightness
Dead easy…
- Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
- Slide the brightness button to about 80%
So as mentioned if your iPhone shuts down when it has battery remaining then give this a try, not a real fix but at least you can stop worrying it will turn off when you need it. Let me know if this works for you.
Tags: battery, Iphone, shutdown