Cannot Search From Google.com Search Redirects To Countries Search Page
This has started happening over the last day or so. Hopefully it is just a bug and google are NOT going to class this as a new feature. The symptoms are when you go to google.com you get redirected to your local countries search page.Even when you click the link at the bottom of the search page for google.com you cannot get to it.
For example in the UK you get redirected to Google.co.uk, In the Netherlands people get redirected to Google.nl when they try and use google.com
There is a way around this. Instead of trying to use Google.com go to http://google.com/ncr
The NCR stands for No Country Redirect. This tells google to NOT redirect you to the search page that is default for your country.
Use this if you are seeing this issue until google hopefully resolve this “problem”
Tags: googe
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Hi, can you help please? I am getting to google.nl even I manually put google.com/ncr in the address bar. What should I do then? I am in UK and use firefox. Cheers! xxx
Allen White
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Hiya Tian, follow this guide on setting your firefox homepage and set “http://www.google.co.uk/ncr” as your homepage 🙂