How To Notify Users of Exchange Mailbox Migration
Communication is key when doing Exchange migrations, in this guide I will show you how to notify all users in a particular mailbox database that their mailbox will be migrated.
This script is simply ran from the Exchange 2013/Exchange 2010 power shell, it gets the mailboxes in the current mailbox DB then creates an email and subject title and sends the email.
$Boxes = Get-Mailbox -Database "YOURDBNAME" Foreach ($Box in $Boxes){Send-MailMessage -Subject "Migration of Mailbox" -Body "Hello, your mailbox will be migrated to the new Exchange server this evening, please remember to shut down your system tonight" -From "admin@yourdomain.com" -To $Box.PrimarySmtpAddress -SmtpServer "Exchangeserver.yourdomain.com"}
Ill go through the script now, first we define the $Boxes variable by doing a Get-Mailbox -database, you must replace “YOURDBNAME” with the mailbox database that your users are in that you would like to notify.
We then send the message to these mailboxes, you will need to define the Subject in the “Migration of mailbox” section and also specify the sender address to be the administrator@yourdomain.com. Finally what server are we sending through, you must change the “Exchangeserver.yourdomain.com” to you current exchange server.
Tags: Exchange Migration, powershell, script