How to enable office 365 Exchange powershell and run Exchange commands for office 365.
How to show all forwards and redirects in powershell for your Exchange environment
A guide on how to notify users that their mailboxes will be migrated to a new Exchange mailbox store in powershell
A guide on how to disable NDR`s non delivery reports and disable delivery reports in Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 In power shell
This guide will show you how to create a script that disables mailboxes that have not been used in a defined amount of time.
A step by step guide on how to create new users in exchange 2013 via the EMC/ECP and also in exchange 2013 powershell/
When you discconect a mailbox from a user object in active directory the disconected mailbox screen does not automatically update in microsft exchange gui. Here is a powershell command to update disconnected mailboxes.
Powershell is a quicker way to get a job done that using a gui, however there are ALOT of commands here is a comprehensive list of powershell commands and what they do
Exchange 2007, 2010 and Exchange 2013 setup “Send As” in powershell, a guide on how to setup send as in powershell if you would like to send email as another user.
A guide on how to create a user in powershell and how to create a mailbox in powershell step by step
When you try to use the powerhsell imoprt mailbox command its says the command is invalid. The same with export mailbox. Here is how to enable the import and export mailbox commands.
A guide on how to delete an email in multiple mailboxes in exchange 2007,Exchange 2013 and exchange 2010 sp1. How to delete an email from multiple mailboxes with a powershell command.