Setup Addthis In WordPress To Float On Page And Change Background Colour
The Addthis plugin is a great app that allows wordpress webmaster to enable users to share and recommend the content on page to other users in various social networks.
The only issue I found is that I wanted to get the plug in to float on page as the user scrolls. I eventually got it to work but then I wanted it to blend with the page by changing the background colour of the addthis plugin.I did this with some CSS as seen below.
Setting Addthis To Float In WordPress
This is done by opeing your Singlepost.php file under wordpress apprearence and editor.
Then selecting singlepost.php
Then at the top pf the page enter the code below.From this link https://www.addthis.com/get/sharing?frm=hp#.UJEoYYbQxyw making sure you select the floating until. It should look like this but with your pub ID.
Save the page and you will find the widget now floats.
Set The Background Colour Of Addthis Floating Widget
If you would like to set the background colour of the floating addthis widget to look like your site then do as follows. Locate the line of code that looks like this.
div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_floating_style addthis_32x32_style" style="left:50px;top:50px;
then add this at the end of the ; changing the colour code to one of your sites
background-color: #418da9;
It will then match your site as seen below
Tags: addthis, CSS, social networking, wordpress